Newsletter no 16
June 8, 2023
Paraparaumu School

Dear families and friends of our school
School Road Crossing
A reminder to please be very careful around the road crossing during drop off and pick up times. Our road patrollers are newly trained and need lots of help to grow their confidence.
Please listen carefully to them and obey their instructions. Please also be aware of where to park and where not to. Cars parked in the wrong place can obstruct the view of our road patrollers. Your co-operation is appreciated.
Student Led conferences: 21st June 1pm—7:45pm (school closes at 12:30); 22nd June 3:15 pm—6:45pm
How to book your student led conference:
All bookings will be done via ETAP app which you should have on your phone.
If you DO NOT have access to the internet or have any problems with the process you can book a conference time by contacting the school office (298 7900) and Jo will book a time for you.
Steven Caldwell
Student of the Week
Thea Room 5 Year 3
Thea, you are a pleasure to have in Room 5 and are such a good role model for many of our PART values. It was so easy for me to choose you as ‘Student of the Week’. Each day you arrive at school with a big smile on your face, a positive attitude and ready to start the day. You always try to do your best and you are focused throughout lessons. You are a good friend and kind and caring to all your classmates. You are respectful to adults, peers and our classroom by always listening and keeping our classroom tidy. Thea, your easy-going and cheerful manner make you a pleasure to teach. Keep up the fantastic work Thea.
Congratulations to our Whiz Kids | Room | P.A.R.T Certificates |
Te Mahea | 2 | Ceira |
Milan | 3 | Drecharn |
Te Awanui | 3 | Novalee |
Hugo | 4 | Isla |
Conner | 6 | Zoe |
Lachlan | 7 | Eddy |
Jacob | 9 | Chase |
Claudia | 12 | Avah |
Hawete | 13 | Alicia |
Please keep collecting Yummy Stickers and passing onto your child’s teacher. We can get some amazing sports gear plus the winning class gets a pizza lunch!

Thank you for your ongoing support for this PTA fundraising activity – it allows us to continue to cover the ever increasing bus costs for class trips. We need to make a couple of changes:
- Due to price increases at Dominos, we need to increase our prices to $2.20 a slice for both pepperoni and cheese pizzas.
- Donna Smith will soon be working Friday mornings and there is no one else on the PTA available at that time. The PTA has decided to move the cut off for orders to 6pm Thursday, so she can process it that evening instead. This will take effect from the start of June.

This coming Tuesday, 13th June, will be the Interschool Cross Country at the Waikanae park from 9:00 am till 2:30 PM.
We would just like to wish our year 3’s up to year 8’s all the best.
P.A.R.T Focus
“PLAY YOUR PART”. PART of the Family/Kia kotahi tatou was developed from our school being part of the PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) professional development. P.A.R.T is designed to provide an overarching concept that all involved with Paraparaumu School will live by, that includes students, staff and parents and caregivers. It is designed to nurture a positive environment by promoting respectful and caring relationships that support student Hauora, (wellbeing).
For the next three weeks of term we will be focusing on the value of ‘Turangawaewae’. What does this look like? What does this sound like? At home you could have a family chat about what makes each whanau member feel strong and at home.

Pyjama Day – Friday 30th June
Wear your PJs and donate a gold coin to help raise funds for Ronald McDonald House.
Do you have pre loved kids sports shoes in great condition sitting around? Kapiti Kids Sports Shoe Bank is now up and running. We are looking for great shoes to donate to kids around Kapiti. Find us on Facebook for more info, or email
Drop off points are:
2 Fincham Road, Raumati Beach
Paraparaumu Primary School Ofiice, Ruapehu Street
Waikanae Baptist Church (Tue-Fri 9am-12pm c/-Thursday Craft Angels)
Donations of plain white sports socks, in any child or teen size, are always welcome.