Newsletter No 26

October 19, 2023

Paraparaumu School


Dear families and friends of our school

Welcome back to term 4. We have a very exciting term planned and are keen to get things underway. Please remember to encourage your child to wear their school sun hats and as the terms heats up drink lots of water.


Term 4 Teacher Only Day

On Monday 4th December we will be having a final Teacher Only day. This is the last of the Ministry of Education allocated days where we will be working on our school curriculum.

Next year we will be sharing what we have so far in regards to our curriculum so we can gather your feedback, so keep an eye out for that.

Touch rugby
The touch rugby season is upon us and as usual we have a large number of students participating. I would like to thank both the parents and staff members who have volunteered to coach out teams this year. It is a big commitment and very rewarding. I look forward to seeing how the season progresses.

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou – warm regards to you all.

Steven Caldwell

Student of the week – 10

Eparaima Room 10 Year 7

Eparaima, over the past two terms I have had the pleasure of observing your growing self-confidence and resilience.

You have become so much more confident to take risks with your learning and are now fully participating in all class activities. Sometimes I think you even surprise yourself with just how successful you can be!

You are always so kind and polite; each morning you greet me cheerily and say goodbye at the end of the day.

EJ, we are so lucky to have you in our class!

Student of the week – 1

Lana Room 3 Year 6

Whaea Karere and Whaea Hayley and I are delighted to present this week’s Student of the Week certificate to a responsible member who plays her PART in our class whānau and in our kura. She always embodies one of our class saying for this year “I am brave enough to try”. If there is an opportunity presented for this kōhine to participate in, she is there with her hand up. It is this enthusiasm and curiosity that can be seen in all that she does inside and outside of the classroom. Aroha mō te kura, kōia kei a ia.

Whakaute mō te taiao. Kōia kei a ia.

Ngākaupai mō ngā mahi katoa. Kōia kei a ia.

Tūrangawaewae. Kōia kei a ia. Koinei te mihi ki a koe Lana, ko koe tērā e whakatinana ana i ngā wāriu o te tō mātou kura. Kua mīharo rawa atu mātou ki āu mahi ia te rā, tāu pūtohe ki te ako, tāu manawanui ki te tūtuki whāinga, tāu hiahia ki te whakamātau i ngā mahi katoa.

Kōia ko koe, kua whakatō i a koe ngā wāriu ā ō mātou Kui, ā ō mātou Koro. Ko koe hoki e whakatō ana ki roto i tō mātou whānau, i tō mātou kura ki ēnei āhuatanga hei oranga mō te katoa. Mō tēnei āhuatanga o te manawanui āu ki te whākamatau i ngā mahi rerekē, e tika ana te kōrero

“Ko te pae tawhiti whaia kia tata, ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina”

“Seek out distant horizons and cherish those you attain”.

Student of the week – 2

Brook-Lyn Room 11 Year 8

Brooke-Lyn while you are a quieter member of our class, you are always able to be looked upon to give a guiding influence. You chose the word ‘aware’ as your one word goal for 2023 and have worked hard towards this. You are always aware of the requirements that you need to work towards in your classwork and you are always aware of what is happening with your body.

When we complete activities that you may not be able to do, you think outside the square to allow yourself to be part of our team.

Awareness is like the sun, when it shines on things they are transformed – keep shining Brooke.